Outlot A Airpark

Outlot A Airpark


Property Types
  • Acreage


LOCATION WITH GREAT VISIBILITY for your developing or established business, located in the Industrial Airpark, near the Houghton County Airport. Lots can be used for manufacturing, warehousing, industrial, distribution, research & development. Parcel is easily accessible form Highway 41 and have many attractive features. Restrictions on Use and Occupancy for Airpark lots apply. General & professional office use only permitted when such use requires airport access & orientation. School district may vary as county has all lots coded as their own school district. Residential use prohibited. Photos are of general area. Water/Sewer hook-up fees are buyer's expense after closing. Note: The MEDC may have programs or benefits available that could be offered to a buyer of an Airpark parcel depending on what the intended use is going to be. Cable: Charter and UP.Net (Baraga Telephone fiber) are available in the area. Buyer to verify utility and internet service connection locations, costs to extend to property and availability for the parcel as part of Buyer's inspection contingency. Airpark Annual Assessment of $100/acre per year. NOTICE: All information believed accurate but not warranted. Buyer recommended to inspect all aspects of the property, verify all information & bears all risks for any inaccuracies. Tax information is subject to change (possibly significant) and property will be reassessed by the municipality after sale is completed. Taxes are not zero & will be updated after current tax info is received. All measurements (acres, lot size, square footage etc) are estimated. Buyer to verify utilities, including availability & costs associated. Sellers may have audio/video recording devices present on property and buyers and agents consent to being recorded by entering property. Offer process: Buyers to submit a non-binding letter of intent indicating only the following: Buyer's name, proposed lot number of interest Upon Seller's receipt of letter of intent, Seller w


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